
PhD IO Psychology / Job Coach


Looking for help building a resume, preparing for an interview, or establishing career goals? Look no further!Sessions are $80 USD, occur over Discord, and can be scheduled most evenings (eastern time).Look over the TOS and reach out if you have any questions!


Looking for help building a resume, mastering the job search process, or interview preparation? Look no further!As a PhD-level IO psychology practitioner I can help prepare you for the job market.

Job Coaching Services

- Career Goal Setting -
- Job Searching -
- Application Preparation -
- Resume Review -
- Interview Roleplay -
- Salary Negotiations -
... And More!


Job coaching is highly interactive! Sessions occur over Discord so we can chat and screen share, if needed.Sessions can be scheduled on most evenings starting at 10pm Eastern (UTC-5) or alternative times that fit within my work schedule.Most coaching interactions last three sessions, on average.Please message me if you have any questions!

Job Searching tips

Click on the picture below to see all of my job searching tip posts!


Job Coaching services can be paid for using one of the following methods:

1) Currency

The introductory 30min session is free of charge. During this session we will chat about your situation, identify coaching goals, and discuss next steps. If you decide to continue with coaching within the session, regular rates apply and maybe paid after the session.Coaching sessions start at $80 (USD) per session. Sessions last at least one hour but may go longer depending on my schedule. Work may be assigned between sessions.A sliding scale (i.e., reduced rate) offered based on client need. Please connect with me to discuss.A billing invoice will be sent before each session, excluding the introductory session. Payment can be made via bank transfer or PayPal. Payment must be made before the session or the session will be rescheduled.The per-session rate depends on several factors such as my preparation time (e.g., reviewing a between-meeting assignment), use of specialty knowledge (e.g., salary negotiations), or using my professional network to gather industry specific information.

2) Trade of Service

I would consider a trade for service.
Examples include: CPA, legal consultation, marketing.
Inquire for more information.

3) Art Trade

I am a furry and I love furry art! I would consider an art trade in place of a session payment or as a partial payment.How it works:
1) You request an art trade. I have the right to accept or decline.
2) We agree on a fair trade value of the job coaching session (min $80).
3) We review your fee structure and select a comparable commission.
4) We establish a time when we will discuss the commission and the delivery timeline.

Terms of Service

1) Rights

Addressment: I am comfortable addressing you as your fursona during our session as I will be speaking as Edwin, my fursona. You have no obligation to share your human identity during the job coaching sessions. You may de-identify any information that you choose the share with me (e.g., resume).Privacy of Information: I will make and retain notes related to our job coaching sessions. At the end of our interaction you may request that I destroy my notes and any documents you shared with me.Termination: Either party has the right to end the coaching relationship without need of explanation. Please give prior notice of termination in advance of a scheduled session.

2) Expectations

Discord: That you have a Discord screen name and a functional microphone. Session will be conducted over VoIP, text-only is not a service I provide.Contact Information: I require an email address to issue billing invoices.Minors: My services are intended for individuals 18 years of age or older. Those younger than 18 are not eligible to receive job coaching.Timeliness: Please be prepared to begin the session at the agreed upon time. I have the right to reschedule or cancel the session if you are at least 15 minutes late.Between-Session Assignments: Follow through on any between-session assignments that are agreed upon during a coaching session. Send me materials in advance of our next session so I have time to review. That will lead to better outcomes!Refunds: Refunds will not be issued. This includes situations such as:
- Discontinuing the job coaching arrangement after a payment has been made.
- Session cancellation due to tardiness (i.e., no show).
Art Trades: No additional sessions will be available for art trade after the art trade has been agreed upon. Additional sessions could be considered if an additional art trade is proposed and I accept the art trade.

3) Disclaimers

Guarantee of Outcome: This coaching experience does not come with any guarantee of successful job selection.USA-Focused: Guidance provided is based on the hiring practices of the USA. While many hiring practices are common across the globe, know that these services are intended for those seeking employment in the USA job market.Use of the Term Psychologist: Any use of the term psychologist is informal and is not intended to denote that I am a licensed psychologist.Intent of Services: The purpose of these services is to prepare an individual for success in the job market. I am not qualified to provide advice on topics of physical, mental, or emotional health. I reserve the right to conclude a topic of conversation that is outside of my discipline and/or recommend referrals to appropriate resources (e.g., mental health counseling).

Feel free to contact me with questions or inquires using the following:DM on Twitter:
EdwinAtWork215 [at] gmail [dot] com